Friday 23 May 2014

I'm Not Married Bcos I Can't Pound Yam For Any Man ––Waje

Singer Waje already has a daughter but it appears independent success have entered her head so much that she is finding it difficult to live under a man and perform the roles of a wife. Here's what she told NET:
"Let that matter rest now. Let me not go and marry now before my husband will say he wants pounded yam, cooked by his wife, not by a maid. Then I will leave everything I am doing and I will be pounding yam. But when somebody who understand my kind of person and my job comes along, then it will be easier for me. After all the troubles of the day, the traffic, somebody getting you angry, there should be that one person who can calm you. Everybody would love to have somebody as a companion, so do I."

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