Wednesday 21 May 2014

What Bring Back Our Girls Campaign Means To Me

My name is Umar Suraj Yakubu. I am 26 years old. I have a bachelors degree in Software Engineering and a post graduate certificate in Intelligent Systems Engineering. I got married less than 6 months ago. I am a husband, a son, a brother, a cousin, a nephew, a friend and a colleague.

Nigeria has a population of approximately 170million people. More than 70% of Nigeria's people are between the ages of 16 and 35. This is to say that I am approximately the same age as the average Nigerian. This is to say that I am YOU! If majority carries the vote in a democracy then we are directly responsible for our leadership and our future. The actions of our generation gives me HOPE, that the power that belongs to the people WILL return to the people.

In the #BringBackOurGirls Abuja Family I have found a real family, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and friends who share the same idea of a better and safer Nigeria as I do. I strongly believe with all my heart that Nigeria, our country has a brighter future.

We have waited year in year out, election after election for change, a better Nigeria but nothing. As a country we have been through a lot, and we have been VERY patient and forgiving. My friends, do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed. The bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.

Last month more that 250 girls were abducted in a school in Chibok and that was the last straw for me. I realized that if I keep quiet, if we all keep quiet then ABSOLUTELY nothing will happen like other atrocities that happened and we have all unanimously condemned in the comfort of our homes and schools and offices. I decided, and I urge you all to join me, to join us, I urge you all to come out and we shall organize ourselves as peaceful citizens and demand from our government what we deserve, which is a safe Nigeria, where children can go to school safely and not get kidnapped, a safe Nigeria where you and I and 170million of us can go to the market or the motor park without getting killed by a bomb. A Nigeria where the young have a future and the old have a security. This is the darkest hour before the dawn. Talking is not enough, you must now WALK the WALK. We must UNITE like we have never done before and fight for what we believe in, which is a New Nigeria.

On the 22nd of May 2014 at 3pm, we will be marching to Aso Villa to ask our President some very important questions that we all have burning in our chests. If you are reading this, I am confident that we will walk side by side during our march to the President tomorrow, so please make sure you wear red.

Umar Suraj Yakubu

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