Sunday 13 July 2014

56-year old Sharon Stone reacts to critisisms over her sexy bikini body

 Sharon Stone is one  56 year old  woman who can rock skimpy clothes or a bikini and still give 20 year old's a run for their money..She opened up to E! News about criticisms over her bikini body and cellulite
I haven't worked out in a couple of months because I just didn't feel like it.'But now I'm going on vacation and I know what they're going to do--[magazines] are going to put a circle around my ass and do one of those crazy magnified pictures saying, "What happened to her ass? It's a bag of cheese."‘I would just like to say it's a fine triple crème Brie!’
 She jokingly added:
‘Right when they zoom in I should have a tattoo on my ass that says, “You wish you could get a bite of this.”’

If I have this body at 56, would rock a bikini cellulite or not...

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