Friday 4 July 2014

Couples who spend the most time on Twitter are more likely to be unfaithful and break up

Do you and your spouse spend much time on twitter ? Then you are likely to cheat and break up,says a new research by PhD student Russell Clayton from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Too much tweeting leads to arguments, often about the amount spent on the social media network, as well as jealousy about who a partner is talking to.The study also found the more active a couple is on the network, the more likely they are to be unfaithful to each other, and for the relationship to eventually break down completely.
He measured the time users spent on Twitter, conflicts arising from their use, and the impact it had on their relationship.

Clayton told the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking....
 ‘Active users of social networking who are in a romantic relationship may find that Twitter-related conflicts cause relationship problems that can become serious enough to result in infidelity or divorce.The length of the romantic relationship does not alter the findings so that even long married couples can fall out over Twitter as much as newlyweds.
This is so true..

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