Sunday 6 July 2014

Where Do Mad People Go When They Die?


*lol* FreeCocoa just asked this question online and it makes a lot of sense. So, let's read what you think, guys. She asked:
Please I'll be glad if anyone can help me on this topic. I've been wondering about this since I was a little girl. In the Sunday school class, I even asked my teacher then but she didn't even answer the question. 
I mean, we've been told that all sinners will rot in hell and I know some mad people do
what would be considered a sin if done by a sane person. Now, will they get a pass because they are mentally unstable? Or will they roast in hell like every other sinner?Does the bible even say anything about mad people? I'm just really curious, where will they go when they die? Or when rapture occurs?

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