The loose spoon:says “I’ve got your back, you can count on me. |
A couple's sleeping positions says something about relationships which are signposts for a happy coupling and which are signs of trouble..According to an article by
LittleThings.com, experts say that our body language when we sleep tells alot about the strength of our relationship.
The first position examined is the classic spooning position - both snug and loose.Spooning in general is considered the sign of a healthy couple - and nearly a third of couples sleep facing the same direction.
According to a study done by relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet, the position is only adopted by a fifth (or 18 percent) of couples and demonstrates a dynamic in which,
“ One partner takes a protective stance over the other.Although it’s a sweet, it can also be a little saucy. “It’s a very vulnerable position that’s sexual, but says, ‘I trust you,’”
See below
The loose spoon(Above)is typically what a couples that are a fans of spooning eventually do once their relationship matures and each individual wants to revert to a position that produces the best quality sleep
The chase': This position could mean that one partner is playing hard to get or wants to be pursued |
Love knots: Sleeping in a tangled up position is said to be associated with new relationships, but may not be a good practice in the long run as it could lead to dependency
The Unraveling Knot: If a couple sleeps tangled but then drifts apart, it is a sign of a maturing relationship
This position starts with The Tangle position, but then unravels after 10 minutes or so.
Believe it or not, this position is a sign of a stronger relationship than The Tangle. Yet only eight percent of couples adopt this two-part position. Dr. Sweet said it’s, “A compromise between intimacy and independence, allowing for the best of both worlds.”
The Liberty Lovers A good sign: Couples who sleep facing apart are among a large - 27 per cent - of couples, and is a sign of a secure and connected couple
If you and your partner sleep facing opposite directions with space in-between – don’t fret! This is actually a good thing.According to a study done by relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet, couples that sleep back-to-back without touching are “connected and secure in themselves. This position shows both closeness and independence in the relationship.”
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The Back kissers: it's, 'a compromise between intimacy and independence, allowing for the best of both worlds'. |
If you sleep back-to-back but you touch with your butts or backs, this is also a good thing — but it’s also novel.
According to Dr. Sweet, this means, “Both partners are relaxed and comfortable with one another.” Yet this position is more common amongst newer couples, or those that have been together for under a year, rather than a more long-term duo.
THE NUZZLE : experts say it 'represents vibrant, passionate or rekindled love'This sweet position, in which one partner rests their head on the other’s chest, while their legs are intertwined is often seen in early relationships and occasionally rekindled ones, according to Dr. Sweet. This is a very nurturing posture that creates a sense of protection. Shirley Glass, a psychologist and martial therapist, also notes, “There’s a high level of trust here,” as this snuggling position has a “strengthening sense of comradeship and protection.” | | | | |
The Space Hog-Sign of trouble: A space hogging partner may be a selfish one in other parts of his or her life.
It sees one partner sprawled over the majority of the bed, and can be a sign of selfishness in that partner.
According to Tracey, sleeping with heads at opposite ends of the bed is known as 'the post-argument or pre-divorce position.'Similarly if you sleep more than 30 inches apart, it's clear that 'the relationship's not just over, repulsion has set in.'
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