Thursday 15 September 2016

Donald Trump releases letter from his doctor saying he is overweight

Donald Trump has provided to The Washington Post a letter that summarizes his latest physical exam and discussed the results on a television show scheduled to be aired on Thursday afternoon.

The one-page letter from his longtime doctor, Harold N. Bornstein, says that Trump takes a statin, a drug for lowering cholesterol, and has a body mass index in the overweight range.

Overall, he is described as having “excellent physical health.”

In the letter released Thursday, which is dated Sept. 13, Bornstein states that:

  • Trump, 70, has been under his care since 1980, and sits for an annual physical exam. The candidate is listed as 6 foot 3 inches tall and weighing 236 pounds, making him overweight for his height.

Bornstein goes on to list aspects of Trump’s medical profile, including Trump’s lone hospitalization.
“Mr. Trump was hospitalized only once, as a child of 11 years old for an appendectomy,” Bornstein writes.
Trump’s “laboratory results” from a blood test and other exams are also given. He has a cholesterol level of 169, with his level of high-density lipoproteins at 63, his low-density lipoproteins at 94.

The businessman’s blood pressure is 116 over 70. His blood sugar level is 99 milligrams per deciliter. Trump’s level of triglycerides, which are a type of fat in blood, is 61 milligrams per deciliter. And his prostate-specific antigen level is measured as 0.15.
“His liver function and thyroid function tests are all within the normal range,” Bornstein writes, adding that “his last colonoscopy was performed on July 10, 2013 which was normal and revealed no polyps.”
Trump’s latest electrocardiogram test and chest X-ray took place in April 2016 and were “normal."

With regard to Trump’s heart, Bornstein writes that “his cardiac evaluation included a transthoracic echocardiogram” in December 2014 and “this study was reported within the range of normal.”

Bornstein notes that there is “no family history of premature cardiac or neoplastic disease” and that Trump’s parents, Fred and Mary, “lived into their late 80s and 90s.”

Trump’s testosterone level is 441.6.

Trump’s activity comes as Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is returning to the campaign trail following a bout of pneumonia.

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