Sunday 6 November 2016

Trump reacts to FBI clearing Hillary Clinton again-She is the most corrupt person to seek presidency of the US

With just two days to the US presidential election,Hillary Clinton received a major boost after the FBI found no evidence of criminality in a new batch of her emails.

In a letter to members of Congress, FBI director James Comey said the bureau had finished its review and found nothing to change its previous position.
Last week,she suffered a huge drop in her ratings after the FBI reopened their investigation after finding 650,0000 emails on her aide, Huma Abedin's laptop.
Speaking to a rally in Minnesota, Mr Trump said: 
“She’s the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the US. Clinton will be under investigation for a long time for the many crimes against her [name]. It’s a rigged system and she’s protected.”
“You can’t review 650,000 new emails in eight days,” Trump claimed. “You can’t do it, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it.”“Now it is up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8,” he said. “It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable what she gets away with.”
The computer was seized by investigators probing her husband, former politician Anthony Weiner, following claims he sexted an underage girl.

The emails were understood to stretch back years and were on a laptop both Weiner and Abedin used and that hadn’t previously been searched in the earlier Clinton probe.

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