Friday 23 December 2016

Man Murders Single Mum He's Dating, Dumps Her Body In A Soak Away

The police have launched a manhunt for a "heartless" man who allegedly killed his new girlfriend and dumped her remains in a cesspit, in his compound.

Residents of 34, John Omolaja Street, Obadore, Lagos were shocked when a plumber hired to clear the blocked cesspit evacuated the girl’s decomposing body.

Since the incident, it was learnt that the girl’s lover whose name was simply given as Elvis has rarely been coming home.

The police have also not been able to identify the girl or locate her relatives.

“We are already on the trail of the suspect but we would not reveal our strategy to the public yet. He (suspect) has not been picking his calls but we have been having clues on the possibility of his whereabouts,” said a top police source at Igando, who asked not to be named.

“We have also been trying to trace the deceased relations to make prosecution of the case easy. So far what we have gathered is that prior to her death, she was a nurse in a Lagos hospital and we don’t know if the hospital made any attempt to locate her after she disappeared,” the source added.

The police have sealed off the house comprising eight apartments of two-bedroom bungalow each.

Residents told The Nation that the incident must have happened months ago after they evacuated the cesspit.

They said Mr. Elvis was once married but his wife packed out of the house because of their frequent quarrels.

According to them, it was after Elvis’ wife left that he started dating the deceased who used to visit him with her own baby. They wondered the whereabouts of the baby now since it was not evacuated alongside the decomposing body of the mother.

A neighbour who simply identified herself as Tina, said about five months ago, the lady's mother had visited Elvis, but he was not at home. The woman, she said, asked them if they knew her daughter and granddaughter who used to visit Elvis.

Another resident, who pleaded not to be mentioned, said Elvis’ wife packed out when she could no longer bear the beating from her husband, he later redirected his beatings on the new girlfriend who has a baby for another man.

A community leader, Alhaji Adewunmi Fatai, recalled a day Elvis almost set the house on fire because of a brawl with his wife.

“Elvis had a brawl with his wife. His mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law were there. Before we knew what was happening, Elvis locked up the apartment, brought out petrol and wet everywhere. It was while he was looking for matches that his wife’s sister pounced on him, and alerted residents.

“When I arrived, everywhere was reeking of fuel. I then asked him why he wanted to set his house on fire and he said it was because his wife usually shortchanged him whenever he gave her money to buy foodstuff. I then asked him if that was enough excuse to burn his wife, kids and three others.”

Adewunmi said he was at home on Monday morning when he heard people panicking and rushed out to see what was happening.

Police are doing their best to get the said Elvis. Hummm!

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