Thursday 17 April 2014

Jonathan The Dancing President and His People Under Attack

Dear Nigerians, let me first commiserate with the families of our fellow compatriots whose lives were brutally cut short by the terror attack at the Nyanya Park in Abuja on Monday. These are indeed difficult times for the nation and the families of those whose lives were terminated in their prime by a terror group that has since lost all sense of humanity. What could possibly be the reason for that early morning mayhem? What explanation would suffice for this man’s inhumanity to man? Innocent Nigerians, who had no premonition of death, were brutally murdered in that unprovoked attack.

Fellow Nigerians, our country is in a state of war. We can no longer pretend about this. What is happening in our country today is worse than any of such crimes in history. This systemic decimation of our people by Boko Haram and other mindless killings across the country are unprecedented. This country is drifting dangerously towards the precipice. The ship of state is sinking dangerously to the abyss.
Our country has become a killing field close to what happened in Somalia. The situation has degenerated to the level where Nigerians do not even know where the next attack will take place. It is that bad. Nigerians are confused. The government is clueless over what to do...

This is, obviously, is a failure of intelligence occasioned by incompetence. Now, Nigerians are just living each day as it comes hoping that they will not get caught up in this senseless tragedy. What can they do but to hope and pray that they will not fall victim to Boko Haram’s murderous rage? What is worse, fellow Nigerians, is the frightening feeling of the absence of leadership in tackling the security challenges in our country today. This is very worrisome indeed.

Apart from the ineptitude of the Jonathan’s administration, Nigerians have now realised that they have a government which does not care if they sink or swim. Beyond the usual crocodile tears of the President and his cabinet members, this government seems not to give a damn about the security of lives and property of Nigerians. The hypocrisy of this government in tackling many of the ills of the nation is so glaring for all to see. This is even more dangerous than the Boko Haram insurgency. This is why Nigerians should be worried. I gravely foresee that the worse has yet to come. This is not a doomsday prediction but an honest analysis of our situation. Nothing can be more dangerous than a clueless government. The primary duty of a government is to guarantee the safety of its citizens. But now it has become crystal clear that this government is not up to the task, what do we do?

For the umpteenth time, President Goodluck Jonathan has demonstrated that he was never the man for the job. He has proved to us that we are on our own. What further proof do we need to know that this President cannot guarantee our safety? What further reason do we need to know that Nigerians are powerless? Fellow Nigerians, If our Commander-in-Chief is this clueless in stemming mindless killings of innocent Nigerians, what should be our fate? Nothing demonstrates this administration’s disdain for the lives of Nigerians than the President’s crass show of insensitivity in the aftermath of the Nyanya bombing. It is an understatement to say that I was scandalised when I heard that the President was in Kano for a political campaign barely a few hours after the Abuja attack that claimed over 70 lives and injured hundreds. What a gross insensitivity?

The President frolics while the shock of our bereavement is still fresh. The President was seen on a campaign platform dancing and vilifying his political enemies while the country was under siege. My first reaction was disbelief; then shock and anger. The President’s action was unthinkable in other climes. This is even more so that less than a few hours after the attack, unknown gunmen struck again in Chibok, Borno State where they reportedly abducted 100 schoolgirls. 

At the time the President was flying over our sorrows in his presidential jet, Abuja residents were in a panicky state. Rumours of another attack had also crippled the city. There was a siege atmosphere in the city. This was said to have led to the evacuation of the National Assembly. Workers reportedly fled their offices at the Federal Secretariat. Let’s assume for once that the rumour was real, was that how the President would have abdicated his duty? This action by Jonathan is comparable only to that Roman emperor who fiddled while Rome burnt.

The country is in a mourning mood but the President does not give a damn about what his citizens are going through. This is unfortunate. This was exactly what this President did during the so-called centenary celebrations. In spite of the havoc wreaked by the terrorists, Jonathan was in Abuja celebrating the centenary. In Kano, the President was busy abusing another politician and promising to “capture” Kano from the APC. It has become clear to Nigerians that we do not have a caring and sensitive President. Let’s not pretend about this. A President who goes campaigning while hundreds of citizens have been massacred and maimed is not worth his office. We should not make excuses for this President. His action is condemnable. In other climes, President Jonathan will have been forced out for this gross insensitivity.

Jonathan should have stayed back in Abuja and reschedule his visits. None of those visits was serious enough compared to the lives that had been lost in the last few days. The President did not even make any statement about the girls that were abducted in Borno State. What manner of desperation will make a President lose his humanity? Why would a President campaign when his country is in crisis? It has now become clear that Jonathan is only interested in a second term. All that he is thinking about is how to position himself as the PDP’s candidate for the presidential election in 2015. But he has not even justified the mandate given to him by Nigerians in his yet to be completed first term. Is a second term worth the lives of the dead and injured?

Where does the President find the heart to campaign in the face of widespread insecurity and uncertainty that pervade the land? This shows that he does not truly “give a damn’’. All he wants is to remain in office by all means necessary. Forget all the economic statistics that have been dished out recently. What is the use of being the “largest economy’’ in a country where life is worth nothing? Did the World Bank not just tell us that our country is home to a large chunk of the world’s poor? Massive corruption has made nonsense of this administration. Four more years of cluelessness and incompetence will spell disaster for this nation.

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