Sunday 20 April 2014

This Servant of God Said 2yrs Back That 'Jonathan's Govt Is Like A Major Sewage Channel

He is Apostle Gods Elect Emmanuel. Do you think he's been vindicated with recent happenings? Don't you think it would be wise to adhere to his counsel for peace and progress in this country? Here him below:

Question 1: Apostle, with the state of affairs now, where exactly do you think Nigeria is heading?
It is not an issue of who is the president or his or her personality but an outcome of divine time. We are certainly heading for a better future under the pragmatic leadership of President Goodluck Jonathan. Most times people have associated his name “Goodluck” with what they hope to see but let me tell you prophetically, that his name carries what challenge he will have to deal with “illluck”.

But then again, look at it this way, what lies ahead of us? Oh sure, challenges, trails, temptations. If you watch very carefully, it is as if all the problems of Nigeria over the years are now being deposited on the present leadership. You can describe his administration as a major sewage channel - it smells awfully and has a lot of debris in it but yet is the only reason why the environment is clean, safe and healthy. This is his predicament but I would say, a good one at fulfilling God’s purpose. It is enormous but grace is available to triumph over these challenges and just this will President Jonathan do. In Psalm 34 v 19 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all”. It shall be good. Amen!

If we are determined as a nation and walk in fear of God, we will make it to the glorious point and then have every reason to celebrate our success. A word of note here: let us enjoy what we are now, for we are what we are by His grace and look ahead with excitement into the future for the promises that await us. I pray we will “Trust in the LORD with all our heart; and lean not unto our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct our paths” (proverbs 3 vs 5 & 6)

Question: Why do most men of God make themselves too difficult to reach? Is this right?
I believe we are passionate to touch the lives of our various congregations and others who may need our attention at any time. However, you must understand that the office of the Priest or Pastor is such that demands a very high level of discipline requiring adherence to ministerial protocol, here meaning norms and ethics but unfortunately these may not be convenient to some. Much as I have said this, I do rather believe that most of us if not all, gracefully receive and reach out to as many people as possible with a strong keenness of the Spirit on a daily basis yet in the eyes of many, this is not satisfactory.

Remember, of course Jesus said in Matthew 9 v 37 (paraphrased) ; "...the harvest is truly plenty but the labourers are few". I am convinced, we will keep trying our best, trusting that by the absolute grace of God, we will not fail or become irresponsible to our divine obligation. Regarding myself, I am easily reached directly on +234( 0 )7039610123 / ( 0 )8181093999 or by e-mail through:
It is well.

Humbly yours in 'HIS' vineyard.
Apostle Gods Elect Emmauel

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