Monday 9 May 2016

Ladies: Having Sex More Often Can Make You More Fertile

Researchers at Indiana University found women who have sex frequently have different immune systems than women who don’t. Also the woman who have sex regularly have a better regulated vaginal PH and produce healthier eggs more often.
What does this mean? First of all, if you have sex all the time, its very good for you!

Also, your body will release more type 2 helper T cells. These cells are responsible for managing the body’s immune response and act as antibodies to help fight foreign invaders in the body while not attacking foreign things necessary for pregnancy, like sperm.

In other words, they fight toxins and allow the important stuff to help prepare the body for pregnancy.

So for anyone trying to get pregnant, having sex outside your ovulation window is probably really beneficial because semen regulates the PH of the average vagina guaranteeing more chances of getting pregnant because of the perfectly controlled PH levels in the vagina..

In a press release, lead researcher Tierney Lorenz said,

    This research is the first to show that the sexual activity may cause the body to promote types of immunity that support conception. It’s a new answer to an old riddle: How does sex that doesn’t happen during the fertile window still improve fertility? Not only do you get to have orgasmic fun, you get better immunity and better body PH. As a matter of fact, More sex makes you more female that you are."

And in case you need more motivation to have sex, it also burns calories, increases blood flow to the brain thereby making you sharper at work, lowers your blood pressure, relieves stress and helps you sleep.

Go and have sex now.
Its good for you. 

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