Friday 28 March 2014


Turkey has blocked access to YouTube, a day after a court ordered the suspension of a ban on Twitter which the prime minister supported.
The national telecoms authority (TIB) said it had taken an “administrativemeasure against the site in Turkey, Reuters news agency reports.
Earlier, what appeared to be a leaked audio recording of Turkish officials discussing Syria appeared on YouTube.
PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan accuses social media of spreading misinformation.
Some users in Turkey found access to YouTube blocked while others reported being able to use it as normal.
Erdogan had suggested earlier that bans could be applied to both YouTube and Facebook.
The controversial recording which appeared on YouTube relates to a discussion of possible military operations in Syria, which was apparently attended by Turkey’s intelligence chief, its foreign minister and the deputy head of the armed forces.
Reuters news agency, which examined the recording, said it could not verify its authenticity but it was potentially the most damaging purported leak so far as it appeared to have originated from the bugging of a highly confidential and sensitive conversation.

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