Tuesday 16 February 2016

“I am single and I have no regrets “ -Actress Caroline Danjuma Confirms Divorce Rumours

Few months after Caroline Danjuma Hutchings made news for calling out bloggers and her husband’s numerous mistresses on social media, she has finally through the same social media admitted that the marriage is over.

The alabaster skinned actress is even gradually returning to acting which she took a break from after marrying billionaire Musa Danjuma.

The marriage was blessed with three boys. In some instagram posts alluding to her current status, she admitted to being single. She has deleted all her ex husband’s pictures and also reverted to her maiden name ‘Hutchings’.

In one post, she shared a broken heart with the caption ‘No Regrets’. Some of her friends obviously in the know also left comments confirming that she has since moved on. Photos below:

For a couple of years now, stories of battery has been circulated around but Caroline blatantly denied the rumours. In fact sources close to the situation who pleaded anonymity say that the bouts of beating was such that she would be stripped naked, beaten blue black and locked away sometimes for up to 5 days until her husband deemed her sober and she came out to beg. “The beating was getting too much, she had to runway and lay low for a while because she feared for her life,”one source told MDB. Of course, Caroline has always denied the rumours, but now confirms her single status. Some other photos she posted below:

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