Monday 8 February 2016

There'll be a Twitter canopy for our Twitter family at our wedding - Nigerian Couple who met via twitter DM tell their love story (photos)

In recent times we have published stories of lovebirds who met on twitter and we have got another for you again..but this time the couple involved, Micheal and Kathie, will be having a canopy for their twitter family at their wedding which comes up on the 26th of March in Abuja.
Read their twitter story below:

 "You know love they say happens in the most unimaginable places. So I've been on Twitter for a while. Made a lot of great friends off Twitter....some became family over time while I lost touch with others. Anyways early 2014, this random guy that had "an officer and a gentleman" as bio on Twitter followed me {we have a mutual friend. So this friend re tweeted me into his TL}. 

I am very particular about the people I follow on Twitter ( I check their first 20-30 tweets and their media usually as a parameter to follow back or not.... Petty I know, but it helps me somehow). Lol. Anyways I assumed based on my judgement of his first few tweets that it was ok to follow him back so I followed. He subs me minutes after I follow him... I caught my sub. ����. 

Well... We get talking on the TL first about meatpie then work then he disappears. (Not like I was looking for him though����) days after he appears and says he's been busy with work. Later I randomly tweeted that i wanted to hear love stories from people truly in love and he asked me to come into his DM and I'll hear them.... We started DMing, and slowly I got used to talking to him almost always. It was easy to fall in love with this human....he is super amazing. Distance didn't even play a role..thanks to FaceTime and Airtel. Lol. 

Well, here I am writing my own love story with this amazing human (he never told me the love story he asked me to come to his DM and hear) ������. Fast forward July 2015,... He asked me to grow old with him ��, I mean I couldn't even imagine growing old without him. We are set to get married on the 26th of March �������� . I'll forever be grateful to Twitter. In fact there'll be a Twitter canopy for my Twitter family on the 26th" ������������.

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