Monday 8 February 2016

Whenever we see OAP Gbemi, we will stop to greet her - The Olumofin brothers grant new interview

When it comes to style, the Olumofin brothers, Adedokun and Adejoro always look good with their trendsetting sense of style.  Dokun who is older, is a Politician and Poet while Joro is a Psychologist and blogger who writes on real life experiences.

They were recently been involved in an altercation with Beat FM on-air-personality, Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi over her comment describing them as social climbers who begged for Tunde Demuren and Tolu Oniru’s royal wedding invite.

Well, CityPeople recently had a detailed interview with excerpts below:

Who are the Olumofin brothers?
We are the children of Barrister Segun Olumofin and Mrs. Taiwo Tolu Olumofin who have now been married for 43 years. I attended Chrisland Primary School, Babington Macaulay Junior Seminary and the University of Lagos where I obtained a B.Sc and M.Sc degree in Psychology. My Ph.D is in view. My mum owned a secondary school, she studied Psychology and that was where I got my passion from. We are businessmen.
What exactly do you do? Some people claim that you are into Oil & Gas, some say real estate.
My brother is into oil and gas and  I dabble into it from time to time. After university, I tried to get a job but it didn’t work out for me. I worked in a bank and an oil and gas company for a bit but I wasn’t really feeling what they were paying me after going marketing for so many hours. I decided to put the hours into my own thing instead. That’s why I said I’m a businessman who can do anything as long as it’s legal.
It is true I have ventured into Oil & Gas and I had a stint with some associates in real estate. I have also gotten robust contracts at the state and federal levels and I am still very active in this.
However my passion is Psychology which is very broad spanning into counselling, issues relating to people, places, events, the establishment, the young, the old and the elderly. The scope is limitless. I have been busy creating ideas and concepts that people both young and old can relate to. The response has been phenomenal. The best is yet to come.
How did you and your brother become a force to reckon with on the Lagos social scene?
My brother and I like going out, we like fashion. Maybe some of the fashion blogs like to feature us. I don’t think there’s so much more to it. When we were schooling at the University of Lagos, we were members of social clubs which organised parties. We had a large network from there. We were part of Game, Rho Club, Grind.
How have you been able to manage the ladies who come after you?
I am single whilst my brother Dokun is happily married with a daughter he is very fond of and dotes on. I have numerous female admirers who like me for various reasons – my style, my intellect, my personality and respect for women. Women are a blessing to men and they should be treated with dignity and respect. We need to commend them for multi-tasking, juggling their chosen careers with being, mothers, wives, lovers, home organisers even caring for their aged parents. Women, keep up the good work – you are appreciated. We men are proud of you.
Apart from your sense of style, you’re quite creative, straightforward and motivational in your write ups on social media. What inspired you?
The thing is that people are quite scared to talk about real issues. I’m not scared to talk about what would upset people. I’m not scared to step on toes. For example,  I wrote an article a while back about ladies with pot belly. The day I wrote it, everyone said if you’re ready to get torn apart,  write this. I think both men and women should keep fit,  though the Nigerian work schedule is not friendly.  I love to write things that other people won’t write about. Mistress, side chics, why some women don’t cook for their husbands. For the men, issues like how to tell your wife her food doesn’t taste nice enough. I got an email from a guy this morning.
He was complaining that he almost falls asleep when sleeping with his girlfriend, how does he get to tell her? People can relate to things like that. Not the regular 10 tips like how your communication will work; who wants to hear that?  Nobody.  I studied psychology,  nobody is doing much in that area. My knowledge is vast and all I want to do is share it. People didn’t take me serious at first until they started seeing me going out. I try to get people’s attention with fashion. For the Music Meets Runway event, I wore Agbada and Tennis shoes and people wondered who I was. And the interest began to grow.
Do you see yourself going further and creating a bigger platform than the one you have on Instagram?
I’m starting a TV company in a few months and I’m actually working on my acting debut for valentine’s day, it’s called how to get your girl back. Where I’ll be featuring an upset lady in a typical breakup situation and how you should get her back if you haven’t been giving her enough time. I plan to have a film company based on the real life emails that people send to me. I realised that many people don’t like to read. People prefer to watch videos to reading long articles. I want create a film company where film stars will sign up to my company for a short period like they sign up to music labels. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone do that. Mine will be short films. I believe that if the content is good and the exposure is great, you will go far.
What’s your perception of women and who is your ideal woman?
I love Michelle Obama, she’s my ideal woman. I respect women, I  respect their quest for gender equality, women are the backbone of everything.  My mum did a lot for my dad, my brothers’ wives have done a lot for them, so I am looking forward  to having a supportive woman in my life.
When are you planning to get married?
In the next 2 to 3 years. I’m still quite young at 29.
You are both very fashionable and many people look up to you in that sense.  What is your take about style?
Fashion to us is a hobby. Our motto is “Work Hard And Play Hard”. We delight in dressing well both in foreign attires and local designs. No doubt, it is an expensive hobby but it gives us pleasure as we are confident, self-assured and we have the Swag.  Style is taking something that is there already, bringing it outside the box and makng sure that people want to try the same thing. Agbada has been there before I was born, the point is just doing it differently.
Who are your favourite Nigerian designers?
It is not easy to pinpoint specific Nigerian designers. I doff my hat for many Nigerian designers who have made us all proud by their fantastic designs that can compete favourably on the world fashion scene. This, they have achieved inspite of various challenges facing their industry-like constant interruption of electricity, poor infrastructure-shortage of manpower, etc.
I am particularly thrilled when I watch the Nollywood actors and actresses on TV beautifully adorned in Nigerian designs. Nigerian designers,  keep it up.
Who is your role model and why?
My role model is the President of the United States of America, Barrack Obama who inspite of mounted opposition to his presidential aspiration and numerous challenges facing his presidency trudged along with smiles on his face and swag at his steps-feet.
There is a radio station in the USA called Red Eye Radio that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. The talk show hosts insult Obama and run down his agenda and programmes meant for the people. Yet, he remains strong and focused. He is going to go down in history as one of the best Presidents America ever had.
What is your take on the recent controversy concerning you?
I will not deny the fact that there was a recent controversy about my brother Dokun and I. Although we have decided to put a closure to this unfortunate unprovoked assault on our persons – it is not too late to state the fact that Tunde – the groom was school mate/class mate to two of my brothers Dokun and Deji (now in the USA, married with a son). My brother – Deji’s wife also attended the same school in Ikeja – The Supreme Education Foundation (SEF). They were all friends and buddies. In fact, Tunde is a godfather to my brother Deji’s 3-year-old son. Tunde, Dokun, Deji and Deji’s wife all attended the same school named above. His younger brother, Michael and I are friends also.
Tunde formally invited us via email and invitation card to his wedding and offered us the expensive aso-ebi which we bought. My brother Dokun and I received the greatest shock of our lives when we were branded in an innuendo as “wedding gate crashers” and referred to as “awon social climbers osi”. Of course, we responded adequately. The response we got was that few of our chosen words were considered too harsh and offensive. We, subsequently offered our apologies.
I’ve moved past the controversy, I have so many friends who know Gbemi personally too. I wasn’t going to reply to the tweet but I was told I had to say something because it has gone quite far. I’m usually mot a troublesome guy, I’m shy and very quiet.
We will appreciate a final closure to this incident. We again seize this opportunity to thank numerous people who sympathised via emails, telephone calls and personal visits to us and to our parents. Thank you for all your support and pledge of allegiance for the future. God bless. Everything is settled now.
How has the entire incident affected you, either positively or negatively?
I learnt something a while back, they say that bad or good publicity is publicity anyway. Some of my readers were not so happy at my outburst, so I lost some followers and some of them are coming back.
If you run into Gbemi tomorrow, would you say hello?
Yes, I will greet her. I don’t keep malice.

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