Sunday 10 July 2016

How I Will Run NNPC; new GMD Maikanti Baru

The newly appointed GMD of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Maikanti Baru, has pledged to work closely with staff to find lasting solutions to the challenges facing the industry.

The pledge was part of a 16-point agenda he unfolded shortly after taking over from his predecessor and the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Ibe Kachikwu.

Baru said it was Kachikwu who recommended him to President Muhammadu Buhari for his appointment. He said his management would continue the on-going comprehensive restructuring of the NNPC.

He described it as inevitable, assuring the oil workers that he would exploit their experience to maximize output under the on-going restructuring exercise. Mr. Baru said such engagement would be a key success for his administration.

Items in his 16-point agenda include:
Creating an all-inclusive internal advisory council on security, comprising representatives from NNPC, the international oil companies, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association and National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, and security operatives to brainstorm and address host community agitations to complement government security team’s efforts in the Niger Delta region; 
Implement new business models that would grant autonomy required to empower the strategic business units and autonomous business units deliver on their mandates; 
Provide relevant directions and controls to ensure their growth and profitability; 
Continue exploring ways of relieving government the burden of cash calls obligation as well as address and defray the agreed cash call arrears of the IOCs; 
Restore oil and gas production and grow the national reserve portfolio; 
Increase crude oil production capacity by the NNPC upstream subsidiary, the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC); 
Review all weak contractual agreements and terminating bad ones as appropriate; 
Leverage on equity positions to cause the development of key gas assets for both domestic and export; 
Pursue the expansion of gas networks across the country; 
Repair and restore oil and gas pipeline infrastructure and providing robust security system for both detection and deterrent in conjunction with the existing security arrangement; 
Improve refining efficiency of the four existing refineries to pave the way for future expansion; 
Pursue diversification of businesses by refocusing on the implementation of renewable energy programmes and frontier exploration services; 
Continue the drive to make the venture businesses profitable and ensure service delivery;
entrench the culture of professionalism by doing the right things at all times through transparency, accountability, and respect for all, and 
Ensure adequate staff welfare and motivation, training and capacity building.

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