Wednesday 20 July 2016

When You Stay Abroad And Leave Your Wife And Little Kids Back Home

and little kids back home in Nigeria while they stay abroad, you might or might not be surprised at this.

File photo; used only for illustration
Afam checked on a female client whose hubby stays abroad, in one of these asian countries, probably Malaysia, to close a lingering buisness deal he had with her, as he knocked on her apartment and was let in, her 2 1/2 years old kid, who was in the living room rushed over him happily, shouting "daddy daddy daddy", the kid was allover him as he hugged Afam tightly.

Afam was quick to understand what was going on, a quick look into the searching eyes of this kid
revealed that he is in desperate need of something and is searching for it, as he took him in his arms, he was suprised that the mum who was standing right in front of him did not correct her little boy that Afam was not his dad, something he came to understand to mean that this might not be the first time the kid is playing out such behaviour.

It was his older brother, about 6 yrs of age who rushed in due to the commotion and said" Favour it is not daddy" then sighed, frowned and left the room dissapointed.
But Favour never left as he was busy making Afam his daddy.

Their dad rarely comes home, the last time he did was during Favours birth / church dedication.

Favour is one among so many Nigerian children who only talks with daddy on phone, looks at daddy's picture, but rarely sees him around.

It is the height of man's irresponsibility to his home to abandon his young wives and little kids behind to seek greener pastures elsewhere, i choose the word "abandoned" because even if your sending back tons of dollars every now and then, it still doesnt compensate for that something they are missing.

Start making arrangements for their relocation over there as well, or better still come back to them, your family needs you.

Afam is a good christian, with strong morality, who knows if he hadn't be, what might had become his thoughts towards that young lonely woman.

Or take for instance, nature plays her sweet tricks on the young wife one cold night, and the imaginations of Afam's handsome physique, and the way he played lovingly with Favour in his arms calling him "daddy" takes over her senses, and she began to approach him, yearning for his touch.

Don't get mad or start fighting people, FIGHT YOURSELF FIRST!

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