Thursday 19 November 2015

DNA Shows Lagos Businessman is Not Father of his 2nd Child; Files For Divorce

The kinds of mess that are introduced into marriage these days, it takes the grace of God to find true love.

A 48-year-old businessman, Alabi Rasheed, on Thursday urged an Ikorodu Customary Court in Lagos to dissolve his 10-year-old marriage to his wife, Sherifat, over the paternity of their second child.

With the way some women act these days, a man may need to be conducting DNA after each child. The fact that the first kid is your is no guarantee that the next is yours even in marriage. The details...

Mr. Rasheed, who resides at Baiyeku Road in Igbogbo, Ikorodu, told the court to dissolve his marriage due to the outcome of a DNA test that confirmed he was not the father of the second child.

“My wife is into infidelity act and I have caught her severally. So one day, I took the two children whom she claimed was mine to do a DNA test without her consent. From the result, I discovered that the second child was not my own.

“Moreover, I am tired of her disgraceful act in the community; she is a debtor and could not even account for her business money. She was always arrested by the police over debts," he added.

But the wife, 42yrs old Sherifat, denied her husband’s claims, and begged the court to reunite them.

“My husband didn’t tell me he was taking our children for a DNA test, he only told me they were going to a birthday party. I did not believe he did any DNA test, he just wanted to use that as an excuse for divorce.

“I want this court to help reunite us and settle our issues amicably," she said.

Since the wife is denying, the President of the court, Omolara Abiola, ordered them to go back to hospital together and repeat the paternity test on the child and bring the result for court consumption.

According to NAN, the case has been adjourned to December 2, 2015, for further hearing.

- Even if you catch a woman, don't expect a lady to confess. It's only a wife who has the fear of God but "did it" by mistake that will confess. But if she's enjoying sleeping around, she will keep denying. Sad!

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