Friday 25 November 2016

Notorious Baddo Gang Who R*pe Women In Lagos Nabbed

Ibeshe community who has been plaqued with evil from daredevil occultic group known as Baddo as stepped up to curb the evil act and it didn’t take long before the evil doers were apprehended.

Below is a message from the community after their arrest:
"We the members of Lasori Abuja CDA appreciate all the active CDAs in Ibesheland, who volunteer them self to work as Vigilante towards safeguarding their people and their properties. 
We don catch BADDO at Owode Rabaka. Ibesheland Joint CDA, Good job."

Baddo has killed about 20 persons, leaving scores injured and tattered for life. This is not the first time the arrest of Baddo gang members is reported. Hopefully, these are the real Baddos.

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