Tuesday 7 July 2015

Caitlyn Jenner’s mother admits worries

Caitlyn Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner’s mother felt like she had lost her son when the Olympian first revealed she was transgender.
Caitlyn – who was previously known as Bruce Jenner – opened up to the public about her transition last month and Caitlyn’s mother Esther admitted she found the news upsetting at first.
Speaking in a new clip for ‘I Am Cait’, the 65 year old’s upcoming reality TV show, Esther, 88, said: “My first feeling was, ‘I lost my son’. Then I thought, ‘You know what? I’m gaining.'”
Meanwhile, Caitlyn admitted she previously “totally isolated” herself from the transgender community and admitted she has a lot of “catching up” to do with people who have faced the same struggles as she has.
Posting on WhoSay in her first ‘The Real Me’ article, she wrote: “Up until now, I have totally isolated myself from the transgender community so I have a lot of catching up to do.”
And the reality star said she feels a “responsibility” to represent the “courageous group” in the right way.
She added: “I feel such a responsibility to this courageous group to try to get it right and tell all sides of the story.
“To me, that’s always the biggest question: am I doing it right?”
But the ‘I Am Cait’ star admitted she also has a lot to learn.
She wrote: “A few weeks ago I had dinner with some of my new friends — a group of six trans women — and I went around the table and asked each of them how long it had been since their transitions.
“One said 20 years, the other one said 15 years ago…seven years ago…three years ago… They came around to me and I said, ‘Two weeks.’
“Flash forward a few weeks and I’ve already learned so much about this community, the issues, and the people involved. It’s been an eye-opening experience for me — mainly seeing how fortunate I am.”

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