You choose to experience what you thought you liked because you were looking for love and you thought that was love.but it wasn't.
The world has a judgement for that, but that's not you, only your experience. I don't feel sorry for you, I applaud you,for now you know what you do not want. �� and it's funny how that wind has blown you closer to where you've always wanted to be. For I wouldn't be here today if you didn't go through that, and I wouldn't have met him or met her. I believe you choose to go through it all to find your voice, to find these words, to help another & help yourself. ☺️ you fish you ��. Continue...
One can't speak of freedom with conviction if you haven't felt imprisoned by yourself first or by another. This is your experience & I hold the certificate for you. I am proud of you no matter what.
However , I take no pride in self now because I realize that I am nothing but clay, but my soul is as deep, as wide , as clear and as blue as the ocean( with a dash of seasoning ��).
You wanna see the world Munachi, but you are the universe. Why focus on a piece of crumb when you are the whole cake ��? Let's look at that shall we��? Here's a fun fact about the universe. Nothing is impossible for it �� and everything it chooses to become, it becomes. I have chosen to show you the universe because you deserve it and I love you �� I love you more than enough for the both of us. So don't look without for approval and validation or attention or affection, I am looking within, to you, because I love you, and I care about you. So here's to you Munachi . Let's go on this journey together & may our Nakama enjoy this adventure as much as I. Peace and Love my lovely one. & like Luffy would say... YOSH!!! Ikimashō ��
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