Tuesday 17 June 2014

Chaii ..Chinese Football Fan Dies On His Sofa After Staying Up For Three Nights To Watch World Cup

A football fan in China has died of a stroke that doctors believe was brought on by him staying awake for three successive nights to watch the World Cup.

Zhou Meng, a 39-year-old from Shanghai, collapsed on his sofa after suffering a stroke while watching the Saturday night match between Uruguay and Costa Rica.

He had previously stayed up for the whole of Thursday and Friday night to watch live coverage of the tournament which is being held in Brazil while working during the daytime.

Mr Zhou collpased on the sofa in his living room while watching the match on Saturday. 
He was rushed to the Shanghai No. 10 People's Hospital after suffering a stroke and was pronounced dead several hours later.

According to Gao Liang, director of the hospital's neurosurgery department, the patient had a history of high blood pressure.

Mr Gao said people with high blood pressure and heart conditions are more vulnerable to brain haemorrhages when events make them excited or emotional.

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