Wednesday 1 June 2016

End Time! Read Ghanians Comments After Another ts After Another Angel Spotted In The Sky In Dansoma, Ghana.

Dansoman is a sub-urban town in Accra region of Ghana, located near Accra. the town is known for being the largest estate in West Africa. in 2013, it was reported that an image of Jesus Christ was spotted in the sky at Dansoman, Accra Ghana. the appearance alone triggered a lot of speculations about the second coming as well as the end time. just this morning some set of people living in the same town saw another image of an Heavenly body in the sky which lasted for a few hours statically, they watched the angel persistently until it vanished off gradually into the sky.
Many were afraid at the sight of this appearance, wondering what signs it had come to bear in the minds of people, some of the inhabitants of Dansoman went rhetorical, asking what is actually wrong or right about this very town where this appearances keeps taking place others assumed the end time is just closer than they ever imagined.
  1. Anonymous
    This looks pretty much like an Image.

    1. Anonymous
      it's looks like a demon

      1. Edward Sackey2 
        What?Demons have horns and long nails.They also have scary appearances.Whatever it looks like one thing is sure.The Almighty God and his heavenly host are watching over Ghana because of the prayers of the saints.A very good example is the miracle of no Ebola in Ghana despite the infection in neighboring countries

    1. Anonymous
      Dont speak wat u dont know the appearing of our lord jesus the christ is close

  2. these are the last days. Sign and wonders will be displayed in the heavens.
  3. Anonymous
    Christians where are we let us awake is time for a s to catch up with our Lord and savior CHRIST JESUS.
    All these things are the indication of the END TIME.
    so let us awake from sleep and get prepare any moment from now. 
  4. Francis

    Hearken to the VOICE of PAUL MWAZHA of AFRICA... you might be saved. Google about the African apostolic church. it is something we are used to. but solemnly understood

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