Saturday 4 June 2016

Presido, BOYS DEY VEX o – Charly Boy writes Buhari on Biafra Issue

Mr President Sir, you ought to review your approach to handling issues akin to the Biafra struggle. Excessive force can only breed more discontentment, take it from me. Your mark of FairPlay must cut across board! You must not leave room for the citizens to second guess your intentions! You must at all times convey clarity of purpose!

If we go at the current rate, sooner than we think, the country will be swimming in the river of chaos. Eventually, those who think that they are insulated and protected by the state will discover that they are mere sitting ducks! Bcos, Boys dey vex!

Indeed a wise man once said the idle mind is the devils workshop. And I dare say a starving disillusioned youth is a bad trait for Nigeria. Gbam!!!!!

Mr President, I dare offer an interpretation of the voice of Nigerian youths - it says "we need jobs not weapons, justice, not corruption, wisdom not ignorance, stability not fear and terror, tolerance not discrimination, fairness not hypocrisy, transparency, not secrecy. Truth, not lies". I don talk my own.

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